Our Story
Powerhouse has existed for 35 years now, experiencing different seasons. God has changed the face of our ministry and we’re excited for the journey ahead.
Back in the early ’80s, our church started with prayer services in a room at Shaw University, Raleigh NC. The vision of a church was given to Ronald Sharpe through prayer. Next, we held services in the late Mother James’ home on Lenior Street. Powerhouse moved to a storefront building on 317 East Martin Street and the church was there for 17 years receiving training for reigning.
Currently, we worship at 1130 North Blount Street, Raleigh NC. Sundays, we have two services—8 am, and 11 am and 10 am Sunday School; Wednesdays, we have 7 pm prayer and Bible study. As the ministry grows, our future church home will be 3411 Pine Knoll Drive, Raleigh North Carolina. Also, January 11, 2015, Powerhouse extended to Clayton, North Carolina where The Living Word Church of Jesus Christ launched under the leadership of Elder Ricky and Evangelist Sandra McFarland, who are the pastors there.
We’re a part of the Fellowship of Interdependent Churches (F.O.I.C.) where Apostle Goings is prelate. Apostle, Bishop Michael E. Goings and Overseer, Dr. Louise Goings of Outreach Family Fellowship, Dillon and Florence, South Carolina are our apostolic covering since 1991.
Our story is just beginning… Stay tuned.
Prayer Room
Mother James’ Home
317 East Martin St
1130 North Blount St
(Current Location)
Future Powerhouse